Thursday, September 23, 2010

I HEART Fall...

Yeah, we may be in the middle of a heat wave, and it may not feel anything like fall, but I HEART fall. I mean I really, really like fall. Don't believe me take a look...

It's Soccer Time in Tennessee...

Truthfully, I love College football, love it. Watch it, listen to it, keep up with it, actually turn to ESPN on my own. That being said I've discovered that I also like soccer. This season will also be fun because I get to watch Jackson and Eli playing together. It should be interesting...

School Days...

 Making our "All About Me..." books...

 The end results...

 Outside painting for Thursday Art

My Thursday Art project...we love Thursday afternoons!!

First Day smiles's been awhile since I've been here. I've missed laying out our lives on this blog...but lately, I've been just too busy living it. Homeschooling is and will always be a challenge. I've learned so much about myself in such a short time. I've learned that if I'm going to be successful at this I must be diligent, patient, kind, and loving. I must at all times remember that this is what God has called us to do, and that being the case He will supply me with all I need. I have learned that my frustrations will breed their frustrations. I have learned that we must adhere to a very strict schedule in order to succeed. I have also learned what a privilege to hear my son tell me that I am the smartest teacher in the world because I have taught him to read. The truth is he came already prepared for reading but it was great to hear. I have learned that my daughter is so much like me, and is also very, very intelligent if I can just find out how to unlock her. It's funny...I'm having a blast doing the absolute hardest thing I've ever done in my life.